The day started out good from the start. It was the 46th birthday of Kay and Gail, twin sisters who are both born again believers in Jesus Christ. The plan was simple, a little amusement park fun playing miniature golf and maybe some arcade games. Just a day for the girls to spend together. First stop was Applebee's Restaurant to get some lunch. While at Applebee's they realized that Gail had left her wallet at Kay's house so they departed from the restaurant and headed back to get the wallet. After retrieving the wallet from Kay's house they got in the car and turned on some praise and worship music. They began talking about the things of God while listening to the music on the way to the local mall near Gail's neighborhood to play some indoor miniature golf. This required them to take the highway to get to the mall.
The discussion soon came around to their childhood neglect and abuse which had laid a foundation of rejection their whole life. These feelings of rejection had caused many days of insecurity in them both and had proved to be a formidable foe. Gail reached down to the stereo to change songs and decided to skip three songs ahead not knowing what song she would land on. The song that began playing was 'God Is Watching Over You' by Phil Joel. Both Kay and Gail began praising God and singing to the song.
Suddenly up ahead a car on the highway blew a tire. Smoke billowed out from the car. They could smell the burning rubber from the tire. The whole tire shot out from the car and headed straight for the front of the car they were riding in sure to hit it's mark if something or someone did not intervene. They were traveling at highway speeds of about 65 mph and the tire was closing in fast. Kay said, “Oh God. Speed up Gail” to which Gail said, “Don't worry. It will be ok and hit the gas.” The tire narrowly missed the car. Gail looked in the rear view mirror to make sure the tire had not hit anyone else. The damaged car had made it's way to the shoulder safely and someone was pulling in behind to help them.
Immediately after this Kay and Gail felt the strong, thick presence of the Holy Spirit in the car with them. God Is Watching Over You was still playing. They continued to feel God's presence all the way through the song and until they reached the shopping mall. They were so edified in the Spirit that they sat in the car singing and clapping their hands to Lisa Bevil's 'Hold On' until the song ended.
Afterward they could still feel the thick presence of the Holy Spirit all the way through the mall. Nothing else fazed them, not even the clothes store sales or jewelry displays. Miniature golf had somehow lost it's glitter as well. All they could think of was God's wonderful intervention and the presence that they were still experiencing. How great a thing God had just done for them by delivering them from certain destruction.
They decided that they had already experienced the height of the day so they proceeded home to spend the rest of the day with their family. On the way home Gail could hardly drive because both her and Kay were crying tears of joy about the goodness of God. The Holy Spirit was still strong on them in the car on the way home. Between the tears they began to speak of how the King of Kings was in the car with them and that He would soon return. Soon after this the Revelation Song by Philips, Craig and Dean began to play. The Spirit of the Lord got even stronger when this song came on. Kay felt like she was in the throne room of God Almighty even though she was still physically in the car. It was like a confirmation of what they were just speaking of. Song after song came on confirming their whole conversation. Gail spoke out to Jesus that she was feeling homesick. Kay received a word from the Lord through the Spirit for Gail. She turned down the radio and told Gail that God said, “Why? I am right here with you.”
Gail felt healing and restoration inside when she heard God's voice tell her that He was giving them both what they really need. It wasn't the attention of people, material things or fun that they needed. It was Jesus Himself and He made His presence known.
Gail and Kay continued feeling the Spirit of God for over two hours and feel like this was the best birthday they had ever had. A gift of the Holy Spirit and divine intervention was their birthday present from the Lord on this day. A day they will never forget. A day of deliverance, healing and restoration.


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